<!ENTITY p3p.categories.uniqueid "Lu identifica a usté como un usuariu únicu, pero nun va emplegar les sos señes de corréu, DNI, o nome pa identificalu.">
<!ENTITY p3p.business.country.sep ".<br/>">
<!ENTITY p3p.pseudoanalysis.init "Pue qu'usemos la informaci├│n que nos dea pa determinar los sos vezos,
intereses o carauterístiques, ensin saber que ye usté personalmente,
pa investigación, analís y estadístiques. Por exemplu, deprender
qué intereses o vezos tien un usuariu pue ayudanos pa saber qué partes
del sitiu tan usándose.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.preference "Les coses que-y presten y que non.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.demographic "El so sexu, edá ya ingresos.">
<!ENTITY p3p.remedies.money "Pagu d'una cantidá especificada na política de privacidá o'l gastu de daños.">
<!ENTITY p3p.dispute.law 'Referencia a la <a target="_blank" href="{@service}">llei</a> aplicable. Vea:'>
<!ENTITY p3p.retention " La so informaci├│n va caltenese:">
<!ENTITY p3p.access.identcontact "Tolos contautos online o físicos que tuvo con esti sitiu web.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.financial "El so estáu financieru incluyendo la información de la cuenta.">
<!ENTITY p3p.recipient.otherrecipient "Entities that are held accountable to this web site but that may use the information differently.">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.telemarketing "Contact you by telephone in order to promote a product or service">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.current "Complete the activity for which it was specifically provided.">
<!ENTITY p3p.statedpurpose.init "We will discard the information at the earliest possible time after the purpose for which it was gathered is completed.">
<!ENTITY p3p.optout.after "to having your information used for this purpose.">
<!ENTITY p3p.recipient.ours "This site and other entities working as agents on behalf of this web site.">
<!ENTITY p3p.recipient.unrelated "Other entities that do not tell us what they will do with your information.">
<!ENTITY p3p.business.stateprov.sep " ">
<!ENTITY p3p.dispute.service "Contacting customer service at: ">
<!ENTITY p3p.access.none "No personally identifiable information stored on this site">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.state "Your computer or connection to maintain a stateful or active connection with you.">
<!ENTITY p3p.legalrequirement.init "The information is retained to meet a specific purpose but may be retained longer that it
takes to meet that purpose. For example, if a consumer has 30 days to dispute a transaction,
the web site may maintain the transaction information for 30 days until the time for lodging
the dispute has passed.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.computer "The computer system that you are using to access the internet.">
<!ENTITY p3p.noretention.init "Your information will be destroyed and it will not be logged or archived after your session ends.">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.historical "Preserve social history in accordance with an existing law or policy">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.individualanalysis "Determine your habits and interests for research and analysis.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.health "Your physical or mental health, sexual orientation, and inquiries you make into health care services or products.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.navigation "Your passive behavior on the web site such as which pages you have visited.">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories.purchase "Purchases you make online.">
<!ENTITY p3p.individualdecision.init "We may use the information that you provide to us to determine your habits,
interests, or characteristics and combine it with other information to make
a decision that directly affects you. For example, this web site may make
recommendations to you about items you might be interested in based on purchases
you have made in the past.">
<!ENTITY p3p.resolve "Resolve Dispute">
<!ENTITY p3p.business.street.sep ", <br/>">
<!ENTITY p3p.categories " This web site collects information about:">
<!ENTITY p3p.policy.discuri 'To see the full privacy policy of this web site, click <a target="_blank" href="{@discuri}">here</a>.<br/>'>
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.tailoring "Customize or tailor the design or content on the site during a single visit to
the site-it will not be maintained for future visits to the site.">
<!ENTITY p3p.statement "This web site has the following statements in its privacy policy:">
<!ENTITY p3p.ours.init "In this case, an agent might be used to process data to complete a transaction that you have requested but they will not share that information with anyone else.">
<!ENTITY p3p.business.telephone.intcode.sep "">
<!ENTITY p3p.recipient.public "Public bulletin boards, chat rooms, or other public forums or services.">
<!ENTITY p3p.dispute " Disputes about this web site's privacy practices can be resolved by:">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.pseudoanalysis "Determine your habits and interests on an anonymous basis for research purposes.">
<!ENTITY p3p.organization "Privacy Policy For ">
<!ENTITY p3p.purpose.admin "Provide technical support of the web site and its computer system.">